Add yet another JW similarity to the list:
They say now the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is a matter of weeks. Things like the effectiveness of masks and the vaccine, the origin of COVID-19 in a lab, Clinton spying on Trump, the existence of a pedophile ring for the elites and more, things branded as conspiracy theories have been proven true.
Just like JWs who have set up an authoritarian central authority and outlaw anyone from "running ahead of the chariot", the ruling class backed by the left has decided that their present truth cannot be contradicted even for the sake of discussion and even if it comes out as true later. Multiple YouTube and Facebook users have spoken about their experiences being restricted for posting now verified facts about COVID, the Rittenhouse trial etc. - But those companies refused to reverse the restrictions after new facts came to light because it went against accepted truth at the time of posting.
And yet so many people are content to just be drip-fed and not have to think about it. Ask yourself: What crazy theory will quietly be acknowledged as true next, and just like the JWs, pretend it's been that way all along?